Thursday, September 11, 2008

We LOVE school

1st day of school

The kids are back in school and I must say I am really impressed with the teachers they have this year!! After being home with them for most of the summer, I am even more grateful for fantastic teachers that are interested in the kids. I think that the girls are just as excited to get out of the house!

We were lucky enough to spend this last weekend my sister and her husband. They flew in for a fast and furious weekend of fun. We took them to Silverwood on Saturday. Annie was such a great sport, as she really doesn't like roller coasters, but didn't want to be the one to be a party pooper either. So we went ahead and took her on everything. We ate so much sugary, deep fried (delicious) junk that both Ann and Tyler had serious sugar highs/lows and left Spokane not feeling so well. My kids are so lucky to have such a cool Aunt and Uncle. It's always so much fun to spend time with them. We miss them already!!
Tyler, Annie, Sydnee and Kelsei

Brian the roller coaster "junkie"


Rachel and Jason said...

Hooray for blogs! I find so many people on this thing. So good to hear from you! I know, we can't believe it's been a year already, either. I think of you every time I sit on our couch (thanks again to your dad). We love it! Ha! I can't believe how big your girls have gotten. So cute. T minus nine months til I graduate! Keep an ear out for me. I'll need a job come June. Oh, and if you guys get any hard core heavy calculus clients that need a good deal, I'm your gal! Talk to you soon!